Other Games

The Teeth Time card deck may be used to play a wide variety of other card games. Here are some fun ideas!

Go Floss

First, remove all face cards from the Teeth Time deck and half of the teeth cards. You should be left with one 52-card deck containing cards A-E and 1-8 in each of the four suit colors (the other set of teeth cards may be used by another group of players). Players are dealt five cards each. If there are only two players, they get seven cards each. On a turn, one player asks another player for a card. For example, "Do you have any sevens?," or "Do you have any E's?" If the second player has the requested card(s), he/she must give it/them to the first player and the first player gets another turn to ask any player for a card. If the second player does not have the requested card, the first player must draw a card from the deck. If the first player draws the card they asked for, they get another turn. A player who acquires all four of one kind discards those cards (this can be changed to just pairs). Once one player, or the deck, runs out of cards, the player with the most discarded groups wins.

Crazy Teeth

First, remove all face cards from the Teeth Time deck and half of the teeth cards. You should be left with one 52-card deck containing cards A-E and 1-8 in each of the four suit colors (the other set of teeth cards may be used by another group of players). Five cards are dealt to each player--seven for only two players--with the top card from the remaining deck placed face up next to the deck. On a turn, players must place a card of the same value or suit onto the face-up card or draw cards from the deck until they can play a card. Eights are wild and can be played at any time, and then the next player can play any card of that eight's suit; in some versions, the player who played the eight may designate a suit. The first player to run out of cards wins.

Old Gumpster

First, remove all face cards from the Teeth Time deck and half of the teeth cards. You should be left with one 52-card deck containing cards A-E and 1-8 in each of the four suit colors (the other set of teeth cards may be used by another group of players, just use the Dentist for the Gumpster). Then add the "Gumpster" card back to the deck. The cards are all dealt out to the players, and then the players discard all pairs from their hand. On a turn, each player draws one card from the hand of another player of their choice; if it forms a pair, the player discards that pair. Play continues until all cards are discarded except the Gumpster; the player with that card is the loser.

Tooth Wars

First, remove all face cards from the Teeth Time deck. Two players have the entire deck dealt to them in two piles, which are placed face down in front of them. Each player draws the top card on their deck and turns it face up at the same time. The player with the highest card gets the played cards and puts them at the bottom of their pile. The order of the cards is: Low A-E, then 1-8 High. If the two cards are of the same value, they are left on the table and the next cards are drawn until one player draws the highest cards and gets all face-up cards. The player who gets all cards in the deck wins. If one person has all four Eights they are declared the instant winner because it is impossible for that player to lose the game.

Tooth-O (a toothy version of UNO®)

First, remove the Dentist, Gumpster, and Tooth Fairy cards from the Teeth Time deck. Choose a dealer who deals each player seven cards and places the remaining cards face down in the middle of the table. This is the draw pile. Turn the top card of the draw pile over to form the discard pile. Take turns beginning with the player to the dealer's left and go clockwise around the table. Place one of your cards on the discard pile when it's your turn. Your card must have the same number, color or wording as the top card of the discard pile - or be a wild card. Draw a card if you cannot discard. Play the drawn card if you can. If you can't, it's the next person's turn. Announce a suit when you place a wild card on the discard pile. You can play a wild card any time it's your turn and can name any suit you wish. Announce a suit when you place a Draw Four card on the discard pile. Follow the directions of a word card that is played on the discard pile by the player preceding you. This may mean that you have to draw two cards, skip a turn or even draw four cards. If you follow a Draw Two or Draw Four card, you must draw the cards and then skip your turn. Say "Tooth-O" when you have one card left in your hand. If you forget to say "Tooth-O" and another player catches you, you must draw two cards

Grin Rummy

First, remove all face cards from the Teeth Time deck and half of the teeth cards. You should be left with one 52-card deck containing cards A-E and 1-8 in each of the four suit colors (the other set of teeth cards may be used by another group of players). Ten cards are dealt to each player for a two player game. For three or four players, deal 7 cards each and for five or six players, deal 6 cards each. To win at rummy, players need to collect "runs" or "sets," which can contain either three or four cards each. A run consists of consecutive numbers in the same suit, for example the 3,4 and 5 of hearts. A set is made up of three or four cards bearing the same number, for example the 7 of hearts, the 7 of diamonds and the 7 of spades. If you are playing with 10 cards each, the aim of the game is to collect two runs or sets of 4 cards and one of 3 cards. For 7 card hands, the aim is to collect two sets or runs of 4 cards. A winning 6 card hand consists of one set or run of 3 cards, and one set or run of 4 cards. Place the remaining cards left over after dealing face down in a pile on the table. This is known as the stock. Turn over the top card and place it face up beside the stock pile. This will be the discard pile. The first player to take a turn is the player to the dealer's left. Each player begins his turn by choosing whether to take the top card from the discard pile -- in which case the other players will receive a clue regarding what he has in his cards -- or the top card from the stock pile, which is unknown. The player's turn concludes when he selects a card from his hand to discard, and places it face-up on top of the discard pile. Continue play to the left by passing on to the next player. Play continues until a player completes his hand. This occurs when he has a hand entirely of runs and sets after discarding. The winning player should declare his hand by placing his cards face up on the table. Should the stock run out, the top card is removed from the discard pile and placed face up to form the new discard pile, and the remaining discarded cards are shuffled and placed face down to form the new stock. Shuffle the pack and deal a new hand, with the person to the left of the original dealer becoming the new dealer.

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